First Year Transition

Head Start Programme

Realising the gap in academic support programmes for freshmen, SSC hopes to give first-year students a ‘Head Start’ in university.

Designed to equip students with essential tools and knowledge to ease their transition into SMU, Head Start will focus on 3 key segments:

  • Orientation to SMU academic environment and learning platforms
  • Learning and Study Skills Development
  • Peer to peer learning and mentoring

Limited slots available.

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In collaboration with SMU Libraries


The “Get READy, Write Now!” workshop gives students a head start on their learning at SMU by developing their abilities to read critically and write effectively. These skills will be especially useful in Core Curriculum modules such as Writing and Reasoning, and Big Questions. Students will learn to analyse texts using a variety of tools, and communicate effectively using professional writing concepts. The workshop will use interactive activities and small group discussions to make the learning engaging and valuable.

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